Making A Round Mame Stand


I have always wanted to make one of these round mame stands for trees, wire trees or stones. Most of the ones I have seen are made with poor joinery and poor painted finish on them.

I was finally asked by a client to make one so I took my time and did it.

First, I drew the whole stand full size on a board.


Next, I knew the part that would take some thinking to produce would be the rings. Since they are made from 4 pieces, I wanted them to be strong so I used a “lap joint” to connect them. It was a little tricky as the joint has to be at a certain degree to make a tight joint.

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But finally, they were done!


Next was making the box (the easy part for me).


I made a piece of molding I mitered to make the feet for the box.


The drawer fronts I made out of layering two pieces of 1/4″ thick material with routered edges.

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Then I planed the wood down to 1/4″ to make the shelves and used a dado blade set on my table saw to make the grooves so that the shelves would also be strong at the joints. I also made a small molding I could glue onto the ends of the curved end shelves to sand and shape down to make the curved end.


After sanding the rings and adding a routered edge, I clamped up the whole ring and shelf area.

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After building the drawer boxes and shooting a nice dark finish on all the parts, they were ready for the clear spray finish coats and assembly. (the finish looks terrible in this bad close up photo i took with my iphone!!!)



Finally it was done!  21″ tall x 20″ wide with 3″ deep shelves.


I am looking forward to making larger ones with different shapes soon, maybe like this one!




About artofthedaiza

Daiza maker and Bonsai Stand maker.
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3 Responses to Making A Round Mame Stand

  1. Michael Ford says:

    Your amazing Jerry! Mike Ford

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. mcktextiles says:

    Wow!! Awesome Jerry. Congratulations. Quite a production and well done.

  3. Vern Maddox says:

    Excellent craftsmanship, Jerry.

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